Devotional: Always remember that God will never leave or forget
you…He loves you so very much that He willingly chose to have you forever
tattooed on both of His hands. He even knows the exact number of hairs on your
head! His thoughts about you outnumber the grains of sand on the earth?
Think about these amazing truths for a moment. Truly ponder
– God has you tattooed onto His hands
– His thoughts of you outnumber all the grains of sand on the
– He is ALWAYS with you
– He will never leave, forsake, or forget about you.
These are amazing truths that every believer should remember
throughout their grief experience.
Now thing about these truths:
1. God is an incredible source of comfort, love, and joy—in ALL
things and every situation!
2. Your life has amazing worth—don’t waste it…the gift of being
alive is reason enough to celebrate God’s love and presence every single day!
3. You are incredibly valuable and loved—you have a greater purpose
than you realize…pursue God’s heart to find it!
God loves you so much that you are constantly on His mind. Take
comfort and find HOPE in God’s love today. Remember His great love each and every
time you brush your hair or look at the palms of your hands this week! And the
next time you are at a beach, pick up a handful of sand and look at the entire
beach to see just a fraction of how many thoughts God has of you!