Tuesday, August 8, 2017

Grief Bites: Day 5

Grief Bites: A New Approach to Growing Through Grief
Day 5
Devotional: Do you believe that the Lord can truly do powerful things through your grief and life?
Grief is such a purifying and refining experience as you seek God’s heart and allow Him to heal and newly mold your heard.
God is the author and we are the book.
You may be in the worst chapter of your life, but your lfe story isn’t over yet.
God has a purpose through every trial or heartache we go through…Everything we experience in life has to first be sifted through God for His approval. If He allows something to greatly break your heart, you can be guaranteed He has a great purpose for it.
What about life events such as a job loss, a lost dream, or a failure? Did you know God cares about these hurts in your life, too?
If you have experienced a failure in life or you feel as though your situation is hopeless, nothing is further from the truth.
As Pastor Craig Groeschel says, “Failure is an event, never a person.”
Ever experience we go through in life has a powerful purpose—each circumstance teaches us precious lessons we could never hope to learn any other way.
Each chapter in our life builds upon the ones before it and fills us with wisdom and understanding when we go to God through each life or grief experience.
Today, give the remaining chapters of your life to God—Call on Him, give Him your broken heart, ask Him to give you an extra measure of His grace to help you purify your heart and life—then trust Him to work out your life purpose for the ultimate good.
Something I truly love about God is how amazing He works through all situations.
Today may be a day of great pain…but tomorrow is on the way!
There IS hope and God loves giving second chances! Ask Him to do a powerful new work in you and among you starting today
Joshua 3:5
And Joshua said unto the people, Sanctify yourselves; for tomorrow Jehovah will do wonders among you.

Have a Blessed Day!

Sunday, August 6, 2017

The Lotus Blossom...Rebirth & Renewal

The red lotus flower is most commonly associated with love and compassion. Historical symbolism of the red lotus is most referenced in Buddhism because it was commonly found where Buddhism was practiced. The lotus flower is found on bodies of water and blooms in the morning. During the evening, the flower disappears. There are three ancient cultures that commonly referenced the lotus flower in cultural texts: ancient Egyptians, Hindus and Buddhists. In most references, the lotus flower is associated with rebirth since the flower seems to resurrect itself each day. The lotus also symbolizes purity because of the contrast seen when the flower blooms in murky water.

The lotus flower symbolizes rising from a dark place into beauty and rebirth, as this is exactly how a lotus flower grows. Lotus flowers grow directly out of muddy and murky waters and produce beautiful white and pink blossoms. Lotus flowers are often referred to in Buddhist studies and they are a symbol of strength among adversity.

The lotus flower is a popular design for tattoos and art, as it is a daily reminder that perseverance and inner strength results in light and beauty. The lotus position is a common yoga pose in which the student sits in a cross legged position, relaxed and still. Lotus flowers are white to pink in color, and they give off a pleasant fragrance. The lotus is also a prominent symbol in Hindu mythology, and it is also known as the white water lily.

The lotus flower represents one symbol of fortune in Buddhism. It grows in muddy water, and it is this environment that gives forth the flower’s first and most literal meaning: rising and blooming above the murk to achieve enlightenment.

The second meaning, which is related to the first is purification. 
It resembles the purifying of the spirit which is born into murkiness.

The third meaning refers to faithfulness. Those who are working to rise above the muddy waters will need to be faithful followers.

To me, the lotus blossom is my symbol of me rising from the dark place I've been for the past 3+ years into a place of beauty & rebirth. I am starting a new chapter in my life and working on MYSELF and loving myself, taking care of myself. This is me, rising from a dark place into beauty & light. 

Grief Bites: Day 4

Grief Bites: A New Approach to Growing Through Grief
Day 4
Devotional: Have you ever felt as though no one could possibly relate to the personal situation you are experiencing today? Have you ever been tempted to feel as though God is indifferent to your pain or has abandoned you in your grief?
I can assure you that God has not forgotten about you or passed over your pain. He is right there in the midst of your grief.
He does not falter. He will not quit. Ever.
It simply is not His nature.
No matter what circumstance of grief you find yourself in today, God knows you and everything about your situation—inside and out.
Since He genuinely knows everybody’s entire situation, as well as the entirety of our lives, who better is able to lead us through our grief?
God will help you through each and every situation. Ask Him to guide and direct you through your grief experience and to fill you with fresh hope, faith, encouragement, and strength.
He truly is concerned for you…He loves you and cares about you more than you can comprehend!
Isaiah 40:27-31
Have a Blessed Day!

Friday, August 4, 2017

Grief Bites: Day 3

Grief Bites: A New Approach to Growing Through Grief

Day 3
Devotional: Sometimes, those going through grief feel all alone. The great news is this: We are never alone.
God has not forgotten about you in your time of heartache and loss…

and He never will.

When faced with deep grief, we can be tempted to believe we have been forsaken. We can feel terribly alone, as though no one could possibly understand the depth of our heart’s cries. There IS someone who can indeed relate to our heartaches in life…God.

God cares so much about our grief and He can truly understand each and every teardrop that falls. In fact, He cards so much about you that He has collected EVERY tear you’ve ever cried.

One day, while I was going through deep heartache, I began to study what the Bible had to say about grief. I found God’s Word had amazing blueprints for grief, heartache, loss, and trials.

Today, I invite you to do the same thing I did—do a personal study on grief as you read God’s word. It’s a fascinating study that will bring you closer to God’s heart than you could ever imagine.

How amazing and beautiful it is that God cares so deeply about us that He collects every tear we cry and records each sorry we ever experience?

We serve a great God who will be with us, and even carry us, through life’s heartaches.

God has a great purpose for your life…seek His heart to find it!

This year, consider completely reading the entire Bible on YouVersion while doing a personal bible study to see what God says about grief, heartache, loss, and trials throughout His Word (I’m still working on this). Like I said, it truly is a fascinating study that will bring you closer to God’s heart than you can imagine.

Psalms 56:8
Thou numberest my wanderings: Put thou my tears into thy bottle; Are they not in thy book?

Have a Blessed Day!

Thursday, August 3, 2017

My Experience with After Death Communications (ADCs)

My world was shattered when my boyfriend of 15-1/2 years passed away unexpectedly on June 11, 2014. Life as I knew it was forever changed and I knew my life would never be the same again without him. I didn't just lose my boyfriend, my lover, my best friend that day, I lost half of myself as well.

Chris and I had an almost psychic connection throughout our relationship. We would often finish each other's sentences. Oftentimes, one of us would say something and the other would follow with "I was just going to say that" or "I was just thinking the same thing." So many times I would pick up the phone to call him and, for some reason, the phone would ring, it would sound as if someone picked up the phone but then the line would get disconnected. After several attempts of this, I would finally get through to him and say, "What's wrong with your phone? I've been trying to call you for five minutes." To which he would respond, "What's wrong with YOUR phone? I've been trying to call you." Little did we both realize that we were both trying to call each other at the exact same time causing the phone wires to get crossed. This happened several times over the course of our relationship. Or I would pick up the phone to call him and it would ring as he was calling me. We were connected in a way I've never felt connected to anyone else ever.

Here is my experience with ADCs.

Chris was visiting his family in Lombard, Illinois at the time of his passing so we weren't even together at that time. I had to fly to Lombard (Chicago) for the funeral. In the early morning hours upon my return, I was sitting at the foot of my bed feeling lonely and missing him. I glanced over to the night table where Chris used to toss his change after he emptied his pockets before bed. Sitting there were four pennies that weren't there before. And I know there was nothing there before because I had taken  the change that he had left there and put it in my car ashtray where we used to keep spare change. Where did the pennies come from? A few days later, I went to plug in my cell phone charger, again, next to Chris' night table and, as I plugged in the phone, glanced down and saw another three pennies on the floor. Again, they weren't there before so where had they come from?

I had always heard the story "pennies from heaven," but never experienced it firsthand before now. The story goes that when an angel (loved one) misses you, they toss a penny down to comfort you and tell you they're okay and that they miss you, too.

Since that time, I had found a total of 18 pennies--there are more now as I continue to find pennies from heaven--in different areas of my home that I know weren't there before. Most have been in different areas of the bedroom--on his night table or the floor beside, on the floor next to my night table, or on the floor right under where Chris used to keep his guitar. Recently, I found a penny on the floor in the living room next to the carpet where I know none was there before as I had just swept and mopped the entire floor a couple hours before.

I've also found two feathers, both in my room, at different times of the day. Feathers are another common ADC.

Another incident was when I was taking my dog, Niko, for his last walk of the night-- this was around 1 o'clock in the morning--when I came upon this beautiful monarch butterfly in the middle of the street. It was hopping on the street and looked as if it was having problems flying. I didn't want it to get stepped on so I gently put my hand down.  It crawled up my hand and, as I was walking to put it on a tree branch, it crawled about halfway up my arm. As I tried to set it down, suddenly, it took off into the sky, hovered a moment, and then disappeared into the night. I can't remember the last time I had seen a butterfly at night.

There are many links with butterflies in mythology from all over the world, many of which, in particular Greek mythology, link butterflies to the human soul. The Ancient Greeks also considered butterflies as the souls of those who had passed away. Butterflies are a common type of ADC or after-death communication. 

One morning, on my way home after taking my son to school, I was thinking about    Chris and talking to him when, suddenly, I looked up in the sky and saw two rainbows. It wasn't even raining. It didn't look like a double rainbow, but rather, two rainbows next to each other. Again, it has been said that if you're thinking about a loved one and suddenly see a rainbow in the sky, it is an angel confirming their presence to you, especially if it's not raining.

I've also heard that hearing a song or lyric on the radio using words that help, reassure or confirm something for you is never a coincidence, but the work of angels attempting to clarify or ease a situation for you. I've had a similar situation here, too.

Since Chris' passing, I haven't been able to bring myself to listen to the music I normally like to listen to. Music used to be my happy place and, frankly, I'm just not ready to be as happy as music always made me feel. I've just recently started listening a little to a Christian music station more for comfort than anything else. But this particular morning, this time while taking my son to school, my son asked if he could change the radio station from my Christian station. I told him okay but just keep it low. He put on a station I used to listen to but haven't lately and the next song that came on was "One Sweet Day" by Mariah Carey and Boyz II Men. Now, I had always liked this song, but when you've actually lost the love of your life, it takes on an entirely different meaning.     I broke down and started crying as every single line of that song spoke to me personally. It expressed everything I was feeling and had been feeling for months.

"Sorry, I never told you, all I wanted to say and now it's too late to hold you 'cause you've flown away, so far away…"

"Never had I imagined living without your smile. Feelin' and knowing you hear me, it keeps me alive…"

"And I know you're shining down on me from Heaven, like so many friends we've lost along the way and I know eventually we'll be together, one sweet day, eventually I'll see you in Heaven…"

This next line really got me…

"Darling, I never showed you, assumed you'd always be there. I took your presence for granted, but I always card and I miss the love we shared…"

It hurts so much because I know I did take him for granted and he took me for granted because we assumed we'd always be there for each other in the end.

Finally, it is said that angels and deceased loved ones will often come to us while we sleep in times we are most relaxed and receptive. These dreams tend to be more vivid than ordinary dreams and remain in your mind much fresher. I have had two such dreams about Chris since his passing. In both, we were in a place I don’t remember ever being and we were sitting and having a real conversation. I can remember what we said to each other. He was very vivid in my dream. I could see him clearly, touch him, hear him. I know in my heart it wasn't an ordinary dream but Chris coming to me to let me know he's with me and he misses me and he's okay.

I've also felt a constant presence like he's always with me. Sometimes I hear a noise and it sounds like someone's behind me. I'll turn around assuming it's my son sneaking up on me but nobody is there. Chris used to always sneak up on me and stand behind me while I was working and then would scare me either by touching me or when I turned around and didn't expect to see him there.

I have always been very spiritual and believed in angels but never had I experienced some of the signs that I have since my beloved passed away. I know it is him telling me that he misses me and he's with me and trying to comfort me by letting me know that he's okay. It makes me feel better to know he's with me, but I still wish he were physically here with me. 

Have any of you ever experienced any kind of after-death communication from your loved one? I'd love to hear your story. Please comment below. 


Don't you love Mandisa??? If you don't know who Mandisa is, I urge you to Google her or look up some of her videos on YouTube. Mandisa is a Christian artist whose songs are about being down and out but being able to pick yourself up by the grace of God holding you and not letting you fall. The first song I heard from Mandisa was Stronger (and I didn't even know it was HER who sang it; all I knew was that it hit me hard). Here are the Lyrics...

Hey, heard you were up all night
Thinking about how your world ain't right
And you wonder if things will ever get better
And you're asking, why is it always raining on you
When all you want is just a little good news
Instead of standing there stuck out in the weather

Oh, don't hang your head
It's gonna end
God's right there
Even if it's hard to see Him
I promise you that He still cares

When the waves are taking you under
Hold on just a little bit longer
He knows that this is gonna make you stronger, stronger
The pain ain't gonna last forever
And things can only get better
Believe me
This is gonna make you stronger
Gonna make you stronger, stronger, stronger
Believe me, this is gonna make you

Try and do the best you can
Hold on and let Him hold your hand
Go on and fall into the arms of Jesus
Oh, lift your head it's gonna end
God's right there
Even when you just can't feel Him
I promise you that He still cares

When the waves are taking you under
Hold on just a little bit longer
He knows that this is gonna make you stronger, stronger
The pain ain't gonna last forever
Things can only get better
Believe me
This is gonna make you stronger

'Cause if He started this work in your life
He will be faithful to complete it
If only you believe it
He knows how much it hurts
And I'm sure that He's gonna help you get through this

When the waves are taking you under
Hold on just a little bit longer
He knows that this is gonna make you stronger, stronger
The pain ain't gonna last forever
Things can only get better
Believe me
This is gonna make you stronger
gonna make you stronger, stronger, stronger
This is gonna make you stronger
Gonna make you stronger, stronger, stronger
Believe me
Only gonna make you stronger

I urge you to look her up on YouTube!

My Grief Journey....

I am a single parent with a 22-y/o special needs son, Ryan, who keeps me pretty busy. I started my own transcription business back in 2005 and was self-employed for 10 years--hours/commute were great but no benefits kinda sucked.  We moved from Naperville, Illinois to Spring Hill, Florida, in June 2007 and, aside from the extremely HOT days of the summer months, have enjoyed living here for the past 10 years. I have recently found new employment which I love which comes with great benefits! 

Things were going well until I got the rug pulled out from under me and my whole world shattered into a million pieces. 

My boyfriend of 15-1/2 years passed away unexpectedly on 6/11/14. He was not only my partner, but my best friend, lover and soul mate. He was the one person in this world I wanted to see and hear and talk to all the time. Even when we weren't physically together, we talked on the phone every single day. The fact that I just can't pick up the phone and call him is killing me right now. We lived together on and off for the first 8 yrs of our relationship when we both lived in Illinois. Then, due to loss of jobs for both of us, I moved with my son to Florida to live with my mom while he moved back home to live with his parents. The plan was always for us to get jobs, save money, and eventually have him come down to Florida to live with me. He finally came down to start our life together in July 2013--July 3, 2013, to be precise--and we lived together for almost a year. Had I known that he would be gone less than a year later, well, so many things I wish I would've done better. In early 2014, he went back to Illinois to spend time with his dad who had a lot of medical problems and he was worried about him. Unfortunately, I never saw him again after that. He passed away while home in Lombard, Illinois. I feel guilty that we were apart for the last 4 months. We were supposed to meet for a mini-vacation in Washington, D.C. for the 4th of July for a reunion in a place neither of us have ever been. Instead, exactly 3 weeks prior to us leaving, he had a fatal seizure in his sleep and passed away. 

I don't know what I'm going to do without him in my life. He was the one and only man in my life to ever truly love me for me and accept me for who I am who. I don't know what to do with myself without him in my life. It took me 25 years to find someone who didn’t care about my weight, we were together 15-1/2 years. I don’t see how I’m ever going find that again. 

But as I have learned, and I'm hoping that you all reading this will come to see, too, is that God has a plan for each of us.  I started going to church again and deepening my relationship with God. I found The Joy FM which has really been a blessing to me. I also decided to go back to school and have just finished my Associate of Science Health Information Technician degree. 

I hope whoever is reading this blog finds some comfort in knowing that God is with you and never lets go. So, if you feel yourself slipping down a wrong path, stop holding on and just let go and fall into His arms knowing that he will always be there to catch you and pick you up. 

If you have a question or comment, feel free to drop me a line! Have a Blessed Day!

Grief Bites: Day 2

Grief Bites: A New Approach to Growing Through Grief
Day 2
Devotional: Grief, loss, and hardships can leave you feeling resentful, hurt, helpless, and powerless.

During life's tough events, we have 2 choices--resent God and our grief...OR...embrace God and our grief.

When we grow bitter with resentment, we deny ourselves an incredible opportunity...the opportunity to know and understand God at a richer, more intimate level, as well as the opportunity to experience HIS hope and love that only He can pour into a hurting heart.

Oftentimes, grief feels as though we are dragging ourselves through a rugged valley with little or no relief. During these tough times, we must condition ourselves to run a good race.

Running to God during times of grief has a GREAT reward: It will lead you to His very heart and this will eventually enable you to experience greater JOY...authentic JOY!

Trust God today and embrace Him with everything you've got! He is watching over you and He will never leave or forsake you! Even when a situation seems hopeless, He always has a plan to see you through...He is there for the entire lifelong marathon.

We must be patient and allow Him to work our grief out to completion as we condition ourselves to win the race. It is very tempting to hurry our grief or try to get through our grief with our own human efforts and strength. It is vital to keep the faith ad trust God...especially if our own nature is telling us differently.

We must allow God to paint the entirety of our individual grief's picture so that He receives the credit for what He accomplishes through our situations of grief or loss.

When life doesn't make sense, pour your heart out to Him. Share with Him how you feel. He is an awesome refuge. He has the great power of truly lifting you out of the most difficult situations in life and calming all anxiety on your toughest days.

Put your life back on God's "easel" and allow Him to paint the rest of the picture to completion. Trust Him, He truly is good! He is faithful to lift you up in due time.

2 Timothy 4:7
Psalms 62:8
1 Peter 5:6-7
Psalms 34:8

Have a Blessed Day!

Grief Bites: Day 1

Grief Bites: A New Approach to Growing Through Grief
Day 1      
Devotional: Has grief knocked your breath out of you or altered your life? At some point, everybody will experience grief. Grief is simply any situation that has broken your heart, or anything that has attempted to break your spirit or your relationship with God and others.
Grief is often thought of as a destructive intruder, but few realize that grief is one of the most powerful teachers you can learn from. When embraced, Grief will teach you how to love God and others much more deeply, how to live a fuller life, and to not take life or ordinary moments for granted.
Grief is like a storm that uproots all things familiar, but after the torrential storms of grief hit, life becomes crystal clear and gives a fresh brand new perspective on God, life, and everything else for that matter.
When one goes through grief, the invaluable opportunity to understand, love, know, and experience God more deeply immediately begins. He is the key to creating a more vibrant purposeful life in spite of Grief.
No matter what you are facing today, God DOES have a plan to see you through. Don't give up...He WILL help you get your breath back after life knocks it out of you and He is faithful to show you fresh new perspectives and life lessons through any Grief experience you face.

Psalms 34:17-16